The Full Score for LOST can be viewed here: LOST
LOST is a work for electronics and runner - which explores the data sonification of geographical data and physical running data with music and video. The music is aligned creatively to data that is both fixed (the geographical landscape) and variable (the runner's profile), thus forming a dystopian-like musical landscape that makes the listener feel truly immersed in the POV of the runner. The score is the most fascinating element - the map has been designed to include finer details that are not usually expected on typical OS maps. These maps are used typically by orienteers to navigate accurately in forests and sometimes urban settings. Some of these details include levels of vegetation, specific contour details and indistinct paths - all of which have contributed towards the musical sonification of this work. The accompanying video shows the 'runner' and its main purpose is to provide context to the music for the listener. Being able to see the human landscape further enhances the musical landscape I create within this composition as listener's can make meaningful connections between video and music (and score if they have it).